Preparation of ingredients for producing bread with reduced glycemic index 

Today’s cyclodextrin is about producing bread, of course, with a low glycemic index.

This invention from Universidad de Granada describes a preparation of ingredients that includes alpha-cyclodextrin and other ingredients. These ingredients permit the production of a dough suitable for traditional processing and making bread with a reduced glycemic index.

This preparation adds at least 5 g ACD to 50 g starch.

In the Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), two intervention studies showed that alpha-cyclodextrin added to starch significantly affected the postprandial glycemic response without disproportionately increasing the postprandial insulin response. This did not occur when it was added to sucrose.

Based on the data presented, the Panel concluded that a cause-and-effect relationship is established between the consumption of alpha-cyclodextrin with starch-containing meals and a reduction of postprandial glycemic response. The panel considers that at least 5 g of alpha-cyclodextrin per 50 g of starch should be consumed to obtain the claimed effect.

The target population of this health claim is adults who wish to reduce their postprandial glycemic response [EFSA. Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to alpha-cyclodextrin and reduction of post-prandial glycaemic responses (ID 2926, further assessment) according to Article 13 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. EFSA Journal 2012 10 (6): 2713].

You can read the patent here: Espacenet – Description

carbohyde, alfa-cyclodextrin, producing bread

Stabilization of cannabis resin and solid oral cannabinoid formulations

today’s cyclodextrin:
using CDs to solubilize and stabilize cannabinoids is very popular in the pharma and nutraceutical/food industries. The most recent paper I read on the topic is from Canntab Therapeutics, yet in the past 25 years, since the first paper from Pekka Jarho et al., we have seen cannabis seed oil stabilized by BCD, an herbal medicine pill for treating constipation, fructus cannabis pill for the treatment of constipation and bowel discomfort, tea for patients in gastric cancer, intestine-lubricating and bowel relaxing granules. Among foods, yogurt enriched with herbal excipients, such as cannabis seeds, and BCD as a health food is claimed useful for soothing nerves, reducing blood pressure and blood fat, dispelling wind-damp, cold, and heat, losing weight, resisting aging, and relaxing bowels. On the analogy of powdered alcohol (Palcohol) prepared by complexing alcoholic drinks with CD, powdered weed, the cyclodextrin-encapsulated cannabinoid is expected to get on the market. 

See the patent on Patentscope

Formulation, composition or foodstuff additives for the modification of glycemic response methods of manufacturing and using the same 

The story of two stone and one bird:
It is very rare that different cyclodextrins are combined in the same formulation, but there are examples on the market. Hoow Foods‘s invention uses one CD which hides the unpleasant taste of any phenylpropanoid from the sensory receptors. This will have the added advantage that the phenylpropanoids will be protected from the acidic environment of the stomach allowing more of them to reach the intestines. Adding a second cyclodextrin that has not been complexed makes the composition behave similarly to known sugars and starches thereby minimising any effect on the texture of the foods to which it is added.

See the full patent on Espacenet