Comparative investigation of pulmonary vasodilating effects of inhaled Nitric Oxide (NO) gas therapy and inhalation of SIN-1, a new drug formulation containing an NO-donor metabolite

Today’s cyclodextrin is a nice collaborative formulation and in vivo (porcine) study between Semmelweis University and Cyclolab R&D Ltd.
In the project, the hemodynamic effect of inhalative SIN-1a (the unstable active metabolite of molsidomine, stabilized by cyclodextrine) was studied. The pulmonary vasodilator effect of SIN-1 was dose dependent, and in case of larger dose it was comparable to that of iNO. However, the vasodilatory effects of SIN-1 inhalation was not limited to the pulmonary circulation, a significant and dose-dependent systemic vasodilation could also be documented.
My only regret here is not all contributors met the authors’ list finally.

Comparative investigation of pulmonary vasodilating effects of inhaled Nitric Oxide (NO) gas therapy and inhalation of SIN-1, a new drug formulation containing an NO-donor metabolite | European Heart Journal | Oxford Academic (