New member of the Scientific Advisory Board

CarboHyde welcomes our newest member to its Scientific Advisory Board, Agnes Toth-Petroczy.

Ágnes Toth-Petroczy is a Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and the Center for Systems Biology Dresden. Her interdisciplinary lab combines computational methods with wet-lab experiments to advance our understanding of protein evolution. Current research highlights include studying and modeling protein synthesis errors, investigating proteins forming biomolecular condensates, and classifying the effects of mutations in disease-relevant genes. Previously, she worked as a bioinformatician at HMX – Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital Division of Genetics as part of a collaborative Mendelian disease gene discovery initiative and participated in the NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN)

Her broad expertise in biochemistry, molecular evolution, structural bioinformatics, and clinical genetics will undoubtedly benefit the development of products at CarboHyde.