In nature, almost all cells are covered with a complex array of glycan chains namely sialic acids or nuraminic acids, negatively charged nine-carbon sugars, which is considered for their great therapeutic importance since long back. Owing to its presence at the terminal end of the lipid bilayer (commonly known as terminal sugars), the well-defined sialosides or sialoconjugates have served a pivotal role on the cell surfaces, and thus, the sialic acid-containing glycans can modulate and mediate a number of imperative cellular interactions. Understanding the sialo-protein interaction and their roles in vertebrates in regard of normal physiology, pathological variance, and evolution has indeed a noteworthy journey in medicine.
This is a concise overview of the structure, linkages in chemical diversity, and biological significance followed by chemical and enzymatic modification/synthesis of sialic acid containing glycans. More focus is attempted on the recent advances, opportunity, and moreover, growing impact of sialosides and sialoconjugates in future drug discovery and development.
Priyanka BoseDr. Manoj Kumar Jaiswal, Vinod Tiwari et al – Banaras Hindu University

See the full article here: Growing impact of sialic acid-containing glycans in future drug discovery